I began practicing homeopathy when my children were small and so it was natural that my initial interest was focused on treating other children homeopathically. Ever since then children -- from babies to young people -- have been at the heart of my practice and as I have now been a homeopath for over 17 years some of the babies and toddlers I treated then, I now treat as young adults.
Over the years I have worked with a wide variety of people -- all ages [currently my oldest client is 92 years old ] and many nationalities. Anyone can benefit from homeopathy. People come with minor ailments, injuries, mental, emotional or physical problems -- they may have a cold that is difficult to shift or they may be very sick. Homeopathy is a complementary medicine and can be used alongside conventional medicine.
My consultations take place in a quiet, relaxed space in which there is ample time for clients to talk about their symptoms in detail and reflect on what makes their symptoms better or worse. They are encouraged to express any worries and anxieties they have, both to do with their condition and life generally. We have the time to explore any aspect of their past and present experience which may be troubling them and effecting their health.
Homeopathy Pregnancy and Childbirth
Homeopathy and Chronic conditions
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Typically mothers-to-be contact me during episodes of morning sickness, tiredness, low iron levels, sleep disturbances, emotional reactions, as well as when they want support for more serious conditions. I'm often asked for advise on remedies which can be useful during labour. Afterbirth mothers come with problems with breastfeeding, sore nipples, healing from any birth trauma and emotional symptoms associated with the 'baby blues'. Babies and Children
Mothers often bring babies when they are having problems settling them. Reflux, colic, teething, coughs and colds, skin rashes are common complaints. I see children in my clinics with asthma, eczema, earaches, fevers from any cause, constipation, diarrhoea, chest infections as well as children who have behavioural problems. As children get older social issues such as friendships at school can cause anxieties. Hormones
Women contact me, for example, when they have period problems such as heavy bleeding, PMS [premenstrual syndrome], when they are going through the menopause. Men and women come when they have issues with fertility. Chronic conditions
A chronic condition is one which effects a person long term e.g. asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, hay fever, migraine. People with chronic conditions often contact me for homeopathic treatment because they are concerned about the side effects of conventional treatment and are looking for a more natural addition to their health care. Mental and Emotional health Anxiety, depression, grief, phobias, shock, stress, can all impact on our health and sense of well-being. Homeopathy is a holistic medicine and whilst people come with a problem which generally has either a mental, emotional or physical emphasis, I always aim to get a complete picture of their health. This is because An emotional impact such as a shock can create a physical response. Please see leaflets for more details
References Homeopathy for Babies and Children
Homeopathy and Hormones
Homeopathy for Mental and Emotional Health